it is still very early in the morning, and i am listening to :: graceland ep, the new Norman Fairbanks for Test tube. The sky is bright white as those in the pictures on Norman website and artwork. Nothing is moving around yet, except some (i'm living close to the sea) seagulls turning and going from a roof to another. A quick glance on the tracklist, pch1 - mystified (a probable index for an investigation which will not happened, it is too early) - 90026 - graceland (who still cares) then, what remains of these 4 tracks ? an indefinable charm ? an air tune of guitar (mystified) ? Yes, it seems that it is partly a question of air in there, but a car is passing in the street and my thought with ... now "graceland" wakes me up from my torpor, and i simply still want to play it again. Norman Fairbanks hides behind a certain vacuity of things, just call it : elegance.
Format :: digital
Location :: Test Tube
Website :: Norman Fairbanks