Xedh :: rencloser ep

Release after release, easily, Miguel Ángel García confirms…
Xedh confirms by planting an enormous (rusted) nail in the allegedly apocalyptic landscape of the modern industry of sounds assembly.
Heir of a certain oldschool tradition (and not least) , the man of Bilbao dismantles some musical commonplaces for better building a singular work which takes all his actual relevance -
disturbed (phil)harmonic (zelenoe) , lyric but bruitist (katarakt) and even chorus disruptive (rencloser) , once again with this netaudio, Xedh builds, with talent, an important work.
Somewhere, beyond the Pyrenees, someone is becoming a great figure of music.

Format :: digital
Location :: picomedia
Website :: Xedh

v and r :: Xedh - sort:zen
v and r :: Baba Llaga - el ultimo viaje de vasilissa